cloth diapers

All posts tagged cloth diapers

Cloth Diapering – Part 1

Published January 7, 2017 by Bingo's Mom

Where to start? Mmmm… I started using cloth diapers for baby A recently. The main reason why we (BD and I) went for Cloth Diaper is, it is eco-friendly. For the past one year we are trying to reduce our plastic usage in our lives. And the second reason is money. Though the cloth diaper is cheaper than normal diaper, I don’t find much difference.

I first searched few mommy bloggers who use cloth diapers asking absolutely nonsense questions. Few replied and many didn’t. Then I remembered our own Tharani is using cloth diaper for ZAM. Yes yes… kaila vennai and all that. I started asking many questions to her and I can’t tell you how sweet she is that she replied each question and even sent one demo video. Muah Tharani. Special mention to Sri as well. She actually went to shop and checked the varieties of cloth diapers and sent me pictures and voice notes explaining the same. How cool is that no?

To start with, I bought two diapers. Let me explain you the variety of cloth diapers that I know.

  1. All in one (AIO)
  2. All in two (AIT)
  3. Pocket diapers
  4. Sewn diapers

And the inserts are

  1. Microfiber
  2. Charcoal
  3. Hemp
  4. Bamboo

As you all know very well about me there will be two more posts explaining the above 😀